Friday, December 02, 2005

Sweet Home Chicago.

Well, Sweet Coooooold Home Chicago, I hear. And, of course, I've got a ways to drive once I land there later. Fifty miles out of the Loop, really. That's the place I love.

It's been right around freezing here at night, but 50s-60s throughout the day all week, so I'll miss the weather here.

I've been in Sin City all week, so apologies to the regulars who have been emailing and checking in frequently. Thanks so much, by the way. I'm about to duck into a plane for the flight home, but I've got plenty to bring you later and then over the weekend.

That is, if I haven't killed too many brain cells this week.

Hastert's Oversight: A Case Study.

The current closed-door session in the Senate is over a perfect example of the kind of oversight Denny Hastert and his minions in the House have given us.

The Pentagon is paying Ahmad Chalabi's newspaper to write anonymous "news stories" favorable to the U.S. point of view.

Nice Coaching job, Denny.

More here, here and here.

Denny Hastert's America

Wages still aren't keeping pace with inflation; workers working fewer hours; Fed rate increases almost assured.

Yeah, looks like the economy is "roaring," alright. Roaring if you're Denny "J. Dennis" Hastert, living on a wooded estate with a guaranteed pension of over $250,000 a year.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Hastert: A Master of the Obvious

Wow. This is really deep stuff. Once again, Denny "J. Dennis" Hastert releases a statement to react to someone else's statement. (That's leadership, you know)

How much courage and brains do you need to muster to roll out this kind of crap:
    “We must never forget the contributions of Rosa Parks. She sparked a new racial consciousness in America and led this nation away from its segregationist history. Today, we commit Rosa Parks and her historic contributions to our country’s eternal memory by making it law that her statue will be placed in the heart of our country.”
Once again, Denny "J. Dennis" Hastert employs just enough effort to get one statement out in the press today, then goes back to the donut trough.

Some "Coach." Yesterday it was a proclamation on the "Christmas tree." Today, it's paying homage to a hero of our time and trying to trump the hero in the process.

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Exclusive: Hastert Gets Cold Shoulder.

At Home.

That's right. Insiders tell me that Mrs. Speaker has had it with the "one year" job J. Dennis told her he was committed to in 1998. One year was followed by one more year...

Then one more year. Then another.

Finally, Jean Hastert has made her agenda her own when J. Dennis comes home for the weekend. When he's home, she's busy.

"It's gotten so bad," one tells me, "that I doubt they even (brush elbows) anymore."

NYT (Heart)s Hastert's Flip Flop.

And Media Matters called them on it.

Hastert Polishes Up His Ugly Side.

Denny "J. Dennis" Hastert fires a hand grenade at Nancy Pelosi, and dusts off the old "flip flop" line for old time's sake.

Of course, every statement and characterization in the last paragraph is either a lie or a distortion.

At least he didn't "hail" the Bush speech, which was a real sucker.

Why does Denny "J. Dennis" Hastert have to lie so much to prop up this president and his war?

Ignoring the Truth About Our Economy.

While J. Dennis Hastert's mouthpieces are busily weaving and concocting another set of sophomoric countdowns for the Speaker's website, here is some good information to look over on what's really going on with the jobs numbers.

This is a timely read, since we're about to get snookered into another "hailing" of wonderful jobs number for November. Economists are predicting (guessing) that Friday's jobs numbers will reveal that a whopping 200,000 jobs were created in November.

Even if it's true, as Sperling points out, we're a long way from scratch under these nimrods.

Another note: look at the details. Where the jobs are created (like in our exploding government payrolls) and the quality of jobs, matters more than the actual numbers at this point.

Onward! Into 1990's wages!

Bush-Hastert's Broken Record.

How many fucking times do we have to listen to the same speech? Over and over again, we are told about a "major new strategy," or a "major speech on the war on terra," and then the president is given free live coverage for the length of his campaign stop.

What is new? I keep waiting for the feed from to ring up the alarms that Hastert is "hailing" something else now... Remember how he "hailed" those "impressive" job figures in October (...that were 100,000 short of scratch)? And never mind that less than half of those jobs don't suck.

Great quote just came over the wire from Bush's speech:
    ``They're helping to turn the tide in the struggle in freedom's
    favor,'' the president said.
What about "tightenin' the net?"

"We got a shdradigee fer victeree."


Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Hastert Speaks Out About Cunningham.

Here is the sound file of Hastert's comments today regarding the resignation of Randy Cunningham (R-Shame) (QuickTime required).

For the Speaker of the House to act as though he's, uh, "out of the loop" and say nothing about this, actually says a lot about what's going on in Washington today.

Cunningham was, after all, hand-picked by J. Dennis Hastert for a spot on the Permanent Select Committe on Intelligence.

You'd think Hastert would want to explain why he replaced seniority and experience with cronyism as the qualification for committee appointments.

Instead of explaining his boss's apparent disappearance at a critical time, Ron Bonjean today used his latest tool, "The Speaker's Journal," to post a link to the Washington Times story about Hastert's request to the President to change the name of the White House "Holiday Tree" back to the more familiar "Christmas Tree."

Incredible. But then again, Bonjean is the guy who served Trent Lott so well after the former Senate Majority Leader's comments supporting Strom Thurmond "back in the old days."

Cashing in on Iraq.

Parade magazine has the reputation of being the Paul Harvey section of the Sunday newspaper across the country.

Just the same, I give them credit for writing about Bush Administration veterans who are cashing in on their Iraq experience. While the full article (link) goes up December 5 (they apparently pub these a week after print), they have posted a chart with military pay.

Contrast the info in the chart with these tidbits offered in the brief article:
Disgraced former Pentagon official Paul Wolfowitz is now president of the World Bank, at a (tax-free) annual salary of $300,000, and receives other super perks (such as a mortgage allowance), presumably based on his Bush administration experience.
Disgraced former CIA Director George Tenet collected $4 million on a book deal he negotiated.
Gen. Tommy Franks (USA, Ret.) negotiated a $5 million fee for his memoirs.
"Jerry" Bremer receives $40,000 per speaking engagement (don't forget he resigned and left the country moments after the breathless "Iraq is Sovereign" note Condi passed to GW Bush).

Nothing is said or done about these things on Capitol Hill.


But in July, J. Dennis Hastert couldn't wait to unveil his great idea to have the House Ethics Committee pre-approve all Congressional travel in a feeble attempt to mute the public outcry over his boss's (and perhaps his own) despicable behavior.

Remember when that was going to be a "top priority?"

Fortunately (because it was another hare-brained Hastert scheme) it went nowhere.

Monday, November 28, 2005

Americans: Hastert Worse Than Gingrich.

This is no surprise.

During the mid-term election cycle, when Gingrich's number was nearly up, only 24% of those polled said they would vote for someone who supported his position.

Today, Denny Hastert has a whopping 22% of the American public on his side.

Sixty-Eight Percent of those polled this month said the country has "pretty seriously gotten off on the wrong track."

Keep plugging away, Coach! There's a pony down in that pile of manure somewhere!

Hastert Was Against Murtha Before He Was For Him.

Flippity, flip, flip... Flop.

I have been saying since before I met him that Denny Hastert is a lying, double-dealing backstabbing SOB who lies out of both sides of his mouth.

I'll take the opportunity some other time to pick apart all the lies and distortions in these posts "from Denny."

The question is, why is Denny Hastert such a flip-flopper?

And what kind of political favor was called in that Denny Hastert had to hire a horrible "spokesman" like Ron Bonjean?

I mean, Sweet Jesus driving a gravy train...

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Zamora Needs Your Help

While I'm not advocating for either Democratic candidate in the IL CD14 race at this point, I believe everyone who has spent the time to put their political position to paper and has the "fire in the belly" to serve the public -- not the easiest job in the world -- should at least have a chance to have their name on the primary ballot.

I've received this email from Ruben Zamora over the holiday weekend:
    With a little under 3 weeks left to get petition
    signatures, I am pushing to get my 2,000 signatures!

    I still need help. I will be going out the
    23rd(today-10 am-4pm (Aurora area),
    25th-4:30 am (Galena Blvd. Walmart, Aurora),
    26th and 27th-10 am-6 pm (Aurora area,)
    and of course the next two weeks in Elgin, Dekalb, and
    others (early am-train stations, afternoon-homes.)
    I am having a fundraiser on Dec. 17th (stay tuned).
    If you can help, even for just a few hours, or if I
    can mail you a petition, please contact me.
    xxx-xxx-xxxx (cell)
    xxx-xxx-xxxx (home, leave message)
    Thank you.
    Ruben K. Zamora
Of course, you can also contact the campaign directly at the website.

Hastert Sinks to New Low.

I think this may even be lower than Newtie's public ratings.

Couldn't be happening to a nicer guy.

Link from Ruben Zamora. Thanks, Ruben.

PS: If anyone would like to work for Ruben on the press/communications side, he sure could use it. His campaign has all the looks of a one-man operation right now. This should not be happening in the district that includes Chicago's largest suburb.

Is Denny Hastert Done?

You have likely heard that Denny Hastert is either thinking about, or is definitely, retiring from his seat in 2008. That unfounded (if you ask one of his staffers) rumor has persisted since GW Bush's re-election last November.

But insiders have told me that there is a serious question about his ability to serve beyond his present term. And that serious question is now being asked by Mrs. Hastert, who has no interest in seeing her husband tarred by the ongoing litany of scandals that continue to erupt among his GOP allies.

Watch this space for more.