Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Cashing in on Iraq.

Parade magazine has the reputation of being the Paul Harvey section of the Sunday newspaper across the country.

Just the same, I give them credit for writing about Bush Administration veterans who are cashing in on their Iraq experience. While the full article (link) goes up December 5 (they apparently pub these a week after print), they have posted a chart with military pay.

Contrast the info in the chart with these tidbits offered in the brief article:
Disgraced former Pentagon official Paul Wolfowitz is now president of the World Bank, at a (tax-free) annual salary of $300,000, and receives other super perks (such as a mortgage allowance), presumably based on his Bush administration experience.
Disgraced former CIA Director George Tenet collected $4 million on a book deal he negotiated.
Gen. Tommy Franks (USA, Ret.) negotiated a $5 million fee for his memoirs.
"Jerry" Bremer receives $40,000 per speaking engagement (don't forget he resigned and left the country moments after the breathless "Iraq is Sovereign" note Condi passed to GW Bush).

Nothing is said or done about these things on Capitol Hill.


But in July, J. Dennis Hastert couldn't wait to unveil his great idea to have the House Ethics Committee pre-approve all Congressional travel in a feeble attempt to mute the public outcry over his boss's (and perhaps his own) despicable behavior.

Remember when that was going to be a "top priority?"

Fortunately (because it was another hare-brained Hastert scheme) it went nowhere.

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