Thursday, October 05, 2006

What An Asshole.

The Preznent is on live television at this moment shilling, once again, his most famous unfunded mandate, Every Public School System Left Behind.

The very thought that an avowed lifetime "C" student has crafted a plan to rate and punish the public school system designed and stewarded by Democrats for generations is laughable.

Further, that his lazyspeak (ie "we gotta..." "allahs us tuh get tuh thuh root uh thuh problum..." and so on) points to "those of us in Washintun not soffnin" on the measure as the primary responsibility of government should tell you everything you need to know about this Major League Asshole In Chief who heads a party overrun with unmitigated, cretinous misanthropes.

The primary goal of our Democracy, in case any of you have forgotten, is to ensure that every person in this country has the same opportunities as the next person. Meaning fund the public school system, you fucking asshole.

That Denny "J. Dennis" Hastert, one-half of a pensioned, retired teacher household that will retire comfortably on two teacher pensions, continues to subscribe to this nonsense is another untouched, unprobed measure of John Laesch's failed campaign.

Hint to the Lashies: you pussies can use the issue if you so choose. Oh, yes... tell us what you would do for a fucking change, too.


Anonymous said...

We will march on the captial and fight for Carnival workers rights; we will march on the captial and demand that they reopen the Roswell case; we will march on the captial and demand we will demand accountablity of our sci fi community to excersise stronger story plots. We will succeed in finally ending corruption in public TV. Together we have much work to accopmlish and with your help we can conquer the world. Please take a look a John's viedo link from the PEE WEE's play house where he unfolded his ideas to clean up the paige system.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to, but I'm on a loser free diet.

Laesch has an answer for the page system? I thought he was only an expert on beating strippers.

Anonymous said...

John Laesch has never behaved like that. I support and have known John for over 20 years. We dated for a while and he nothing but a real gentleman

Anonymous said...

where is the little faget known as Tom Brophy. He was once again has been run out of town on a rail. We need an APP out for his balls. Afer all he is the sgt mgr and must be missing in action since his little friend got shut down this week. Once again JDL changed the national media for one day. Hey Brophy why don't you do the world a favor and shove your head back up Laesch's ass and walk out of Kendall you faget.

Anonymous said...

Hey anon...why don't you grow some stones and post under your are a coward and truly not worthy of my time....

As far as the stripper crap...Dave, are you one of those young repug jerk-off's who like to post unsubstantiated BS too? That crap has been floated out there for months and NOBODY has been able to come up with any proof. I've said it before, and I will continue to say it...stop telling me what you know asshole and start SHOWING me what you know. Beginning this type of a whisper campaign is right from the Book of Rove...too bad you and your young repug buddies can't come up with something truthful that's bad. I don't think you can find anything out there...when you do and can prove it...BRING IT ON!

Anonymous said...

Tom Brophy -

What do YOU know about the boy blunder? Did you know that he's a liar? Did you know that he was maniacly egotistical? Did you know that was a maniacal liar? Did you kow that he is a meglamaniac?

He will say ANYTHING to get the power he wants. He's a sociopath who is into beating women, lying and is starved for power.

Anonymous said...


Please remember that not everyone who hates the boy-wonder is republican. (or Repug as you like to call them.) Stop acting like a democrazy and face the facts. Laesch has some serious baggage. Leasch has lied about his discharge and refused to release his discharge papers as he has promised. And come-on. You were in the military, how likely is it that he was some sort of top level military intelligence "officer" (as he has stated) with only a 3 year hitch?

If you would stop schilling for him you may get some respect back.

I'd bet you dollars to donuts that no matter how hard you work neither Oswego 4 or 30 will carry for Laesch as you have promised here before.

Oh, and as far as my name is concerned, I live in this community and have republican friends. Because of that fact alone, I don't use my name. The fact that you don't mind having your name associated with this crazieness scares me.

Anonymous said...

so is "heavy d" gay???????? according to huffington sites larry odonnell maybe he is

interesting to say the least

Anonymous said...

The reason I don't use my name is BECAUSE I'm a Democrat and and KNOW that Laesch is wrong for this State and our Country. Unfortunately, I'm afraid of the fallout if my identity is revealed.

Anonymous said...

The reason I don't use my name is BECAUSE I'm a Democrat and and KNOW that Laesch is wrong for this State and our Country. Unfortunately, I'm afraid of the fallout if my identity is revealed.

Delusions of self-importance. I am a democrat and I don't give a shit what your opinion is. What kind of fallout.. are your neighbors going to let their dogs crap on your lawn?

Anonymous said...

No John Laesch will stop by their house and the person will be person will be welcomed by the Kendall County Democratic Central Committee welcome wagon the ss. accountablity, clowns, candy, fire enginges and the big finally will be JDL taking a crap on their front porch with the progressives cherring him on.
This message was brought to you by Friends for Tom Brophy.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderfully put together post. You can almost understand the point. I would think that you would take the time to at least read what your posting before pressing the colorful little button at the bottom. Unfortunatly it is painfully obvious that your reading and writing skills barely exceed the 6th grade level. Add that to the immature content and you become to pathetic to take seriously.

Anonymous said...

well again a lessen from a person who thinks toliet paper is something you throw through the tree's. your level of understanding ends when you couldn't fiqure out what hooked on phoneics was. point taken about the colorful use of language. well must run down the street to find my next protest hear they have an illegal lemonade stand that is supporting Denny so please excuse me well i go to the scence of the crime.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fuckyou anon... this is pussy shit] the fact that no will stand up for accountablity... lends no credit in my book. Once again arguments and opinoins we are out of time. I will say this again yeah who cares what a handful of pussy's write. the onlything we have left is to win..... We all understand the imporantce of ending King Denny's regein. If you are not with us shut your fuckin mouth. I am getting pissed and angry with all this bull-shit.
I have make to much work to do to get real democrats elected. I proudly stand up for John Laesch and if you do not like america then get the fuck out.
get up off your collective asses and help us!! time is short and we need to win. my precinct will carry with over 63percent of the vote.
need to win that is it!

Anonymous said...

Nice work you anon young repug jerk-offs...Again, I must set the record straight..the last post by "tom brophy" did not come from me. You children should be in school learning - you obviously have far too much time on your hands!

Time is short - we need to get busy - time to get Democrats elected!

Anonymous said...

Of course it was not you, Tom. You may be crude but you can spell and construct an intellegible sentence.

Anonymous said...

Who ever is the fuck nut quit posting under tom's name it was funny once but it is getting old. At least Tom has the balls to post under his own name. I don't care for his tone but the guy has earned my respect.

Bridget said...

Now I'm really confused. You're all crazy.

Anonymous said...

Bridget why are you confused it is simple I disagree with Tom; however I do respect his right to say his peace. I do not agree with his postion and do not agree with the tone he speaks in however at least he speaks out. To me silence is the key to nothing. Tom has plenty to say but makes some valid points. Read your blog and keep up the good fight bridget.

Anonymous said...

I knew I liked that Tom Boskas....this is a man who knows what America is all about...I love it when people realize that in this country Tom Boskas can stand on a chair and yell at the top of his lungs that which I've spent a lifetime opposing...ya gotta love this country!

You're right, we don't have to agree, but we both have a right to have our voices heard. I must admit, I will continue to attempt to cause people to vote for the candidates I believe as I'm sure you will too.

Let's get Democrats elected!

Anonymous said...

Tom I agree your voice should be hears but it also comes with a responseablity; simply put Tom I do not advocate screaming fire in a theatre. Until we as democrats excerise better judgement and have a strong messasge then nomatter how many times we want to stand on a chair and scream at the top of our lungs nobody will listen. Please keep posting tom and be well.