Sunday, February 26, 2006

I'm Not Alone With My Suspicions.

This KR wire story highlights a number of issues surrounding Vice President Dick "Dick" Cheney's shooting of a good friend political donor a hunting buddy an acquaintance while hunting in Texas two weeks ago.

Where the Hell is Denny "J. Dennis" Hastert's buddy, Dan Burton, when you need a backyard ballistics test and re-enactment, anyway? Probably still shaking down foreign lobbyists for illegal contributions.

With so many issues that still remain, and are the result of Cheney's absolute incompetence at dealing with issues that deal with public inspection of his weird, secret world, shouldn't Congress have a hand at this?.

Call Denny Hastert's office (every chance you get) and demand another Spanish Inquisition a full, Congressional inquiry.

In D.C.: 202-225-2976
Batavia Office: 630 401-1114
Dixon: 815-288-0680

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