Tuesday, September 06, 2005

After a Refreshing Day Off

The silence around the house this weekend was sometimes deafening. While we spent the weekend off relaxing, for the most part, we understood all too well that about a million people who used to live on or near the Gulf Coast had a lousy holiday.

And the misery is not going to let up any time soon. Even with the outstanding efforts by Wal-Mart and other corporate entities who have pitched in mightily to help those who suffer, the horrible effects of this calamity will be felt for a long time to come, and by every single American.

It also occurred to me that no one has heard anything (of any substance, at least) from "The Speaker" since the Lincoln auction on the day he blew off the special emergency session of Congress (called for by Nancy Pelosi). Guess he showed her, huh?

Check out the news releases and photos on "The Speaker's" website (no, it's not house.gov/DeLay!).

Hey, it's just one opinion (and we all know that doesn't count for too much with J. Dennis Hastert), but someone could probably do well by having himself photographed up to his knees in the sewage floating down Canal St., or maybe with the pits of his $96 Nordstrom dress shirt stained with sweat as he shakes the hands of his political pals in Biloxi (Fox News says they're upset by all the focus on NOLA, btw).

Just sayin'...

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