Monday, March 10, 2008

Foster In, Douche Bag Out.

Jonny Laesch has withdrawn his filing for a selective recount of the regular primary election.

And Foster's win on Saturday, Mrs. Laesch, proves once again that we did, in fact, elect the "right Democrat."

Oh, yeah... your husband is a loser. Many times. You guys can move now after you've shown yourselves as the kind of people who are only looking out for your own career.


Anonymous said...

Holy crap HRC - you gotta let it go! Foster is our new representative - you should be rejoicing for that - you need to get a life!

Anonymous said...

You must be, hands down, the most pathetically repulsive little creature I have ever encountered on-line. Can you not see how pathetically desperate this childish vendetta of yours looks to the world?

What IS the matter with you anyway?

Anonymous said...

I'm with you HRC. Laesch is an idiot and if no one called him on it, he'd keep going and hurt Foster's campaign for November. Good going.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to the people of the 14th!

It's good to see the win by Bill Foster. As a former life long resident of the 14th I'm glad that Bill won, and there is some real change in the former republican stronghold. It's even better to see that SANE candidate prevailed.

Keep up the great work HRC, I'll miss you and all our fun.

I'm off to another geographic area now, and will miss the 14th. I'm glad that the spoiled brats didn't get their way and that heartened that there are more sane folks in the 14th than those strange "progressives" would have one believe.

Anonymous said...

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