Saturday, August 12, 2006

I Doubt He's a 38C.

This morning, I awoke from a long funk to an interesting email with a soapblox chicago link in it. The message (from another blogger) was was my first tip that I am a man named Mark Blackman.

This, at least according to a delusional misfit who's running for Congress who has a long record of not playing well with others, is a fact.

Well, it's not.


Feel free to do your own research on this blog as to when I began referring to John Laesch as a fucking fruitcake. I think it was around the time he started a serial lying campaign to cover up the fact that he was directly involved in the petition challenge against his primary opponent, based almost exclusively on challenges of "Spanish-sounding" or Latino names.

Maybe it was the obvious delusions of grandeur.

How in the world John Laesch, who came to his political life by claiming his "Naval Intelligence background," can ever show his face again in public is beyond me. As you reread his loopy post (please do read it a couple of times for comprehension) on soapblox, which I personally gave up on weeks ago, you must be as afraid for those around this young person as I am.

I think the doctors use the term "danger to one's self or others" when they commit someone to the boobyhatch. That seems to fit this one.

For the record: I am not Mark Blackman (I don't know who that is). And I doubt this Blackman fellow is a 38C.

Anyone know how civil commitment works in Illinois?


K3KVE said...

Heyyyyy!!! Long time no hear from! Glad you caught the comment on SBC. I got a link also, I just had to comment on it. Too funny!! If I knew Pavich was wasting his time doing "research" like that, my support for him would drop like a hot potato.

I feel sorry for all those people he's got duped into working for him, giving him money.

So c'mon now, get up outta your bed and dance, spin on your head! Life's too short to be glum, get up and get ya sum! ;)

Anonymous said...

I'll tell you one thing. The minute I heard Laesch trying to play his "military intelligence" angle, I knew he was full of shit.

I know he wasn't an officer, and if he was an E-5, he still wouldn't know shit from shinola.

I can't believe he's wasting his time worrying about one blog.

What a friggin' loser.

Anonymous said...

Been waiting for days for your comments on the SoapBlox article.

Hmmm, so the "C" in HRC stands for...never mind.

Anyway, I know what to do with b.s. (& any other "s") now, so seeing as you are "in" today thought I'd share it.


Anonymous said...

Lets stop wasteing time on this goof. The Democratic Party is more than this little lying pisher. Lets start electing real democrats follow this blog for more infomration on real candiates.

Anonymous said...

Yinn have been reading your crap for months. You waste valueable internet space with your crap. Do the people of the 14th Congressional District go back to your basement and play dungeons and dragons with all the other nerds. John Laesch can be the grand wizard and you too can conquer the galaxy together. have a nice day and C stands for well you are a bright person you fiqure it out.

Anonymous said...

Like rats from a sinking ship

Montgomeryfest parade came and went over the weekend. It was interesting to see who was, and who wasn't there.

Long Lohn Moron - Not there, but his supporters were there, albeit fewer in numbers. as a matter of fact, the only canidate still marching with the John Leasch Party of Kendall County (JLPKC) was Mr Ardn (his spelling on his shirt). If there was anyone else, they didn't identify themselves.

Mr Laesch-the-lying-bastard did send the SS Pile-O-Shit pontoon boat. But he was nowhere to be seen. That boat is a JOKE!

Also, classy move to mr Ardn for shouting at Heavy D when he arrived at the staging area.

Anonymous said...

Like Rats Pt2

The other cool thing was to see the real Democrats marching well in front of the JLPKC. Linda Chapa LaVia, Frank Craig, Linda Holmes, John Crawford, Liz Flowers, Martin Flowers, and others had a classy group. They were well received and shook tons of hands. All in all a classy group that behaved like winners.

Unlike the JLPKC who were sporty hand drawn signs that looked like Bob Rose was involved, and shouted at parade viewers.

And BTW..

It was a stripper or "exotic dancer" not a hooker at Big Al's or so the rumor goes.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 09:26, I blog in several places so you'll have to be more specific, but am glad you've seen my stuff. Thank you for calling me a bright person, so glad it shows!

Anonymous said...

Yinn thank you so much for standing up for john laesch. He is proably one of the most best candiates to ever run for office. john platformn is very simple end bussiness as usaul aqnd restore power for the people. john had a huge event today in geneva and was surrounded by all the candiates running for office in was a untied effort. john supports all progressive patriots who are trying to help end bussiness as usual. thank you for all your support democrats needs more people like you.

Anonymous said...

52pckup I mean Arden. You're a dumbshit and a liar. I didn't see all of the candidates there... Lets see... who was missing?

Anonymous said...

Laesch is over. It's now obvious to everybody that he is dead in the water. I'm glad I didn't give him any money...

Anonymous said...

well again a cowadrily annyon has taken his toll of falcious lies. matt walker warned us about all these guys here who wanted to hurt some great americans. wen we have the last laugh on tueday novber 7th and jon laeshie is elcted congresman thn ew will know who one the figt. whn peole work together 4 a comon pursoe thast whne you have sucess.

Anonymous said...

Is this the same Matt walker who had breakfast with zamorahhhh, yet claimed he NEVER met him.
Hmmmmm. I believe Matt would know about "falicious lies" now wouldn"t he?

Rich Miller said...

FYI, I just called the Laesch campaign and asked for a comment and for a justification for doing such a boneheaded thing (actually, my question was somewhere along the lines of "Is your candidate F-ing nuts?").

They're getting back to me, so check my blog this afternoon.

Anonymous said...

Keep up the Good Fight "Mark"

But Seriously...

to think that the voters of Kendall County Picked this guys friends to run teh party :)

Oh woe, painful Woe :)

Anonymous said...


Just glad you're stirring from your funk. We missed you. We thought about waging an "I'm HRC" campaign on SB/c, where we would all claim to be you ("No, I'm HRC.").

District 14 is in a sad state of affairs, but it would be even worse without your perspective and humor.

Anonymous said...

You know what john laesch biggest problem is he can dish it out but he can't take it. He is going to challenge the world with the filth from his mouth. Attack fellow members of the ticket challenge party leaders and mislead people so he can have a job. Hey JL hear the Morris truck stop is hiring you can use Denny Hasert as a refernce. After all birds of a feather flock together.

Anonymous said...

Henrietta R. Cruikshank and she is a Hastert hating 38C you dumbass.

Anonymous said...

I don't believe you. Show us your tits!

Bridget said...

Ha, this is hilarious, HRC! Mark Blackman is a very good friend of mine and supposedly it's some big fucking secret that Laesch has unearthed.

What is wrong with these anonymous Laesch folks who insist on visiting your blog? Are they drunk all of the time or just that uneducated? The 9 year old down sydrome child I look after has a better command of the English language than these idiots!

I love that Rich covered this, haha. Can't wait to see the statement from the Laesch campaign.

Bridget said...

Oh, I almost forgot...38D

Anonymous said...

Laesch thinks he's a savior or something... He thinks because he put a sticker on Hasterts car that he's going to win the election. All he does is bitch, bitch, bitch and has NO plan to solve just bitch, bitch, bitch.

Anonymous said...

This blog has gone absolutely bat shit. I love it.

Anonymous said...

This is really getting bizzare are their any postive things taking place in poltics?

Anonymous said...

There are positive things happening. But not in Laesch's campaign. I'm watching other races. Laesch hasn't a chance and honestly, I would have rather seen another candidate running against DH. Zamora or Serra instead of Laesch.

Anonymous said...

John Laesch is a true american. He is supporting great Democrats like Dr. Gill because he see's his mission as helping all those that are around him. Instead of unsulting how about getting off your fast ass and helping us. John is really bothered by all this stuff and wants answers Mr. Blackman. Reveal your true self so we can save you from the evil.

Anonymous said...

To all of you defending the "great American" Laesch, (who, btw, is no greater or more patriotic than any of us) please tell me if he's ever talked to Mr. Blackman. Quit your blubbering about us not helping Laesch, we're busy helping other candidates.

Mr. Blackman is very easy to talk to. He's a dedicated, hardworking democrat; very observant, knowledgeable, and humerous. He's also relatively easy to get a hold of when your guy is ready to apologize. When he does, we might consider dropping this.

It's incredulous that your candidate is "bothered" by this. He's the one who claimed to have "outed HRC." Grow up.

Your guy "wants answers"? Mr. Blackman wants some answers, too. How do you expect us to help a guy who attacks fellow democrats? Oh yeah, he's "helping" them, folks like Dr. Gill, who can't vote for him. Mr. Blackman is a voter in this district. I wonder who he'll be voting for in November. I think I have a good idea, and it's not your guy.

While I haven't asked Mr. Blackman specifically, or gone through his laundry, or asked his wife, he doesn't look like he's a 38C. If you've ever talked to him, he doesn't sound like or have the mannerisms of HRC.

Anonymous said...

John Laesch is such a little pussy that he had to have his girlfriend post for him on captial fax. Hey john does she wipe your nose when you cry about being the butt of every joke in the state. Have a great vaction to Elgin you wack job.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like JL's kind of women.

Anonymous said...

Tom Brophy was seen walking down the street wearing womens panties on his head collecting money for Arden Plochord. Jim Birch was also there at the fundraiser running down the street buck naked with a sign around his neck saying if you see what you like honk 3 times. John Laesch honked 6 times.

Anonymous said...

To the Laesch campaign, that no doubt reads this blog -- I have really had enough of the garbage & air pollution that you folks seem to be spewing at rates that beat any Com Ed plant in the area. What difference does it make who HRC is or isn't...or what cup size she happens to wear? Will you idiots please get some perspective before you take the entire Illinois deomcratic party down with your rapidly sinking ship...Laesch ranks in importance with pond scum, and his actions would be laughable if they didn't affect other candidates. Elgin might not be big enough to contain John's ego in its current state, but he'll fit in nicely after election day.

Bridget said...

Yeah, seriously, it is insane that John Laesch apparently thinks it's okay to trash Mark Blackman.

Mark and his wife Ellen are very good friends of mine. They are both lifelong Democratic activists in their 50's, both with PhD's.

Anyone who has ever spent 5 minutes talking to Mark would no damn well that he is not HRC. While he is a witty and entertaining guy, he's a whole other brand than HRC. To put it bluntly, Mark is a complete brainiac who weaves very complicated shit into everyday conversation.

If John Laesch had done the RIGHT THING and given Mark Blackman a call, he would have figured out that Mark speaks in a different voice than HRC very quickly.

But no, he decided to do the SCHMUCK thing and post his so-called "research" all over SoapBlox without having any conversation with Mark.

Thank goodness this little rat with the judgement of a 14 year old will never make it to Congress.

Anonymous said...

And we still haven't seen the dd214 he promised to post when he first ran. i want to know why he really discharged.

Anonymous said...

He was discharged because he hurt his knee. He's on permenant disability. I think he was playing soccer though when he hurt his knee.

Anonymous said...

Why doesn't that surprise me -- either he tripped over his own feet or found it hard to play soccer with his foot in his mouth.

Anonymous said...

You people make me sick all we ever wanted to do was improve the lives of the people of the 14 congressional district. We are trired of the nonsense John Laesch is a great person I really do not have the stomach to put up with crap. Time is of the essence and John is our only hope!!!! For peace through out the land.

Anonymous said...

If John Laesch is your last hope

You truly are hopeless

Sorry Man,

He has as much hope of being a congressman as I do being the pope and I am baptist

Politics Ain't Beanbag

Anonymous said...

Well that fine you belive in what ever you want John's faith is testiomony to the real deal I support him

Anonymous said...

Here is a deal the more you mention his name the more he thinks he is building support. Ignore him and don't waste your time with JL.